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  • #89 Investing In AI Stocks & Intel From a EXPERT YouTuber

#89 Investing In AI Stocks & Intel From a EXPERT YouTuber

Plus: A Networking Hack For Content Creation Beginners


Welcome back!

We hope you had a great holiday weekend, but that’s over and done with. Time to pick up where you left off.

Let’s rip off this bandaid and get back to work.

Here Are This Week’s Highlights…

Boosting Your Productivity 📊 

  • Expert Advice From a Productivity YouTuber

Elevating Your Brand 🤝 

  • Learning Basic Terms as a Precursor to Working With AI 

  • A Networking Hack For Content Creation Beginners

Fattening The Wallet 💰️ 

  • Staying Always Informed About Tech Stocks

  • Hustle Hub: AI Job Postings, $22K in 15 days, & 5 Most In-Demand Skills

Hustle Hub 📈 

  • YOUR SUCCESS: Get A Foot In The Door - If you think you know AI well enough to work in the field, these are the companies with the most AI-related job postings.

  • THEIR SUCCESS: Get Inspired - She made $22K in 15 days with her digital side hustle. You need only three apps, including ChatGPT.

  • YOUR SUCCESS: Get Educated - These are the 5 most in-demand skills for 2025, according to Forbes. One of them is “AI Fluency” - scroll to the next section for your first step in becoming fluent.

Working With AI 🤖 

Glossary of Terms

An excerpt from the Forbes article we linked to in Hustle Hub above:

By 2025, AI proficiency will be as fundamental as computer literacy is today. The adage that "AI won't replace humans, but humans who use AI will replace those who don't" will become a stark reality.

While that may be hyperbole, the fact remains: whenever technology advances in a significant way, those who don’t develop the requisite literacy get left behind.

In the not-so-distant future, you will need AI the way you need your phone or computer. Whether it becomes a necessity at your 9-5, the tool you use to make your side hustle more lucrative, or simply an assistant for your daily non-work life, you must know how to use these tools.

And the best way to start is by learning the terminology, so when you hear these previously-unfamiliar words or phrases, you know what they mean and can participate.

CNET recently posted an article with “48 AI Terms That Everyone Should Know,” and Bloomberg did something similar, though their list tops out at 33. (You may need to register for a free account to access Bloomberg’s.)

Some terms are words/concepts that are a necessary part of AI fluency (like prompt engineering, which refers to fine-tuning how you prompt to maximize the quality of the AI’s responses); some are simply the industry leaders that you should know (like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Perplexity); and some can prepare you for the future of AI (like neural networks, which refers to types of AI “in which a computer is programmed to learn in roughly the same way a human brain does” 🤯)

Learn the language while there’s still time to fully immerse yourself. Because before you know it, NOT KNOWING these terms will be as unforgivable as someone not understanding “email” or “the internet.”

O.F.T - One Final Thought

Seriously, click both links and read them. Maybe even bookmark them or (gasp) take notes. Whatever you need to do learn them. Because once you understand the words and concepts, it’ll be that much easier to learn how to use the essential programs.

Always Informed 🦾 


Let’s keep this short and sweet, shall we?

Investing in tech stocks, particularly in AI, seem like great investments right now. If you are a long-term investor planning for retirement, there’s no better time to get in. Well, maybe the best time was to invest in Nvidia back in 2005, but whatever - the past is past.

Now, in the present, here’s what experts say you should be looking at:

Networking Hack 🤝 

4 Ways to Kickstart Your Content Game before 2025

Putting out content, whether you’re a creator, small business owner, or anything in between, takes a lot of work. But with the help of AI, that work could be more productive and efficient.

To help you build consistency and momentum for 2025, here are four things to focus on (with prompts for your ChatGPT assistant) :

  1. Google Doc Brainstorming: The only bad idea is the one you forget because you didn’t write it down. Open up a Google Doc (which works offline too) and start dumping your ideas / thoughts there. Make sure you have the app on your phone so you can add to the list whenever inspiration strikes.

    ChatGPT Assistant prompt: List 10 content ideas I could create based on my expertise and interests (make sure you write them out). Include ideas ranging from short-form videos to long-form written posts.”

  2. Updating Your Platform Bio(s): Think of your bio as your digital elevator pitch. You have a few seconds to tell someone what you do or what you’re offering. Be concise and straightforward.

    ChatGPT Assistant prompt: “Write a clear and engaging bio for [platform] in 2-3 sentences that explains who I am, what I offer, and how I can help my audience, focusing on [your niche/industry]”.

  3. Learning New Skills: Spend time watching your favorite creator, take a YouTube 15-minute class on thumbnails, read OTF to help you with prompting, etc. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t stagnate. Our recommendation? Commit to learning one new skill per week, on average.

    ChatGPT Assistant prompt: What are the top 3 skills I can learn in [niche/topic] that will help me improve my content creation? Provide simple learning resources for each.”

  4.  Just Do It Start: Don’t let resistance get in your way. Some obstacles creators might face early on include: fear of judgment, perceived lack of time, overthinking, perceived market saturation, and not knowing where to start, among others. When those sorts of thoughts creep into your head, ignore them! Keep learning, keep leaning on the tools you have available to you and keep creating. It starts with one post.

    ChatGPT Assistant prompt: What are 3 small, actionable steps I can take today to move forward with my content creation, even if I’m feeling stuck or unsure?”

O.F.T - One Final Thought

Content creation is essentially networking. It’s all about connecting with people. By setting up your process—adding ideas to a doc, updating and monitoring your bios you net, sticking to a weekly learning goal —you’re giving yourself a real chance to succeed.

The key is momentum, and every small step you take is a brick in the foundation of your content journey. Don’t let perfectionism or fear hold you back because the sooner you start, the sooner you improve.

Remember, the only way to get better is through trial and error, so start today and keep going.

Let’s kick resistance in the ass.

Expert Advice 🦾 


  • He’s a popular YouTuber (873k subscribers) who focuses on sharing what 99% of people don’t know about AI.

  • His 10-minute video above gives the basics on how AI works, what tools you should be using, how to prompt, etc.

Before You Go

Next week, we’ll be back with Major Moves, Search Bar, and everyone’s favorite wallet-fattener: Making Cents. Plus much more…

See you then!

You are now On The Fly and In The Know.